SOFTSLIDE - New Generation Of Dynamic Seals
SOFTSLIDE project was aimed to solve the main problem of rubber seals, which is friction and wear caused by the friction. The project focused on a multidisciplinary development process which resulted implementation of innovative technology based on 3D micro-texturing of rubber sealing surfaces. SOFTSLIDE project was approved by the European Commission at “Fast Track to Innovation” (FTI) Program. The group incorporated as a consortium of partners, consisting of two of the leading European universities and research centers, providing unique and profound academic backgrounds together with advanced research and development capabilities, and three European SMEs providing the industry’s point of view and all the required manufacturing and execution capabilities.
The main motivation of SOFTSLIDE’s consortium was to develop technology which will introduce the industry with a new generation of dynamic rubber seals, offering enhanced performance and friction reduction, durability, and long-term resistance. SOFTSLIDE’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was aimed to develop technology that reduces seal’s friction by 10% – 15%.
SOFTSLIDE’s first challenge was to introduce a new generation of dynamic seals with reduced friction and improved performance, and to achieve it with only minor increase of the new seal’s cost. In order to achieve it, the consortium developed a comprehensive solution which allowed us to define, design, analyze, simulate, and predict the friction levels of specific rubber seals. When the design was completed SKM molded these seals, and they were validated for their actual friction parameters. The consortium focused on a multidisciplinary development process which resulted implementation of innovative technology based on 3D micro-texturing of the rubber sealing surfaces. The solution is defined by the geometry of the textured seal surface, whereas 3D micro rubber structures are characterized by a unique combination of diameter, depth, distance, and roughness (DDDR).
SOFTSLIDE’s textured seals were functionally tested by a certified laboratory to document and validate their actual tribology parameters. The tests included different types of geometries, including rod-seals, V-rings, U-rings and O-rings, using various types of rubber compounds of various shore A durometers.
The tests result clearly show that SOFTSLIDE’s novelle texturing technology (DDDR) achieved friction reduction of 30% – 40% depending on the polymer type and the hardness of the tested compound, in comparison against industry’s standard non-textured seals.
SOFTSLIDE’s second challenge was to obtain the desired friction reduction without changes of the rubber compound’s composition and without mechanical changes of the counter surfaces that comes in-contact with SOFTSLIDE’s textured seals, this task was also fully achieved.
The outcomes of SOFTSLIDE’s technology are now successfully implemented in various industries where low-friction dynamic seals are of major critical importance. Several leading seals manufactures already consider assimilating SOFTSLIDE technology as their new standard for low-friction dynamic seals.
- For further details please send your inquiry to reference: SOFTSLIDE Technology

MouldTex – 3D Mould Surface Texturing
MouldTex project was aimed to develop a solution for friction optimization of rubber seals through innovative 3D laser texturing of molding tools. The solution includes a software package for supporting the design and simulations and engraved tooling for molding the textured seals.
MouldTex project was approved by the European Commission under “Research and Innovation” Program (RIA). The group incorporated as a consortium of partners, consisting of two of the leading European universities providing unique and profound academic backgrounds, four research centers providing practical laboratory and validation services, and three European SMEs providing the industry’s point of view and all the required manufacturing and execution capabilities. MouldTex was credited by the European Commission Innovation Radar with four Innovation Excellency awards. The project presented its outstanding achievements through fully functional three pilot-lines and demonstration events.
The main challenge of MouldTex project was to develop a solution of a new concept of high-end technological seals with embedded 3D-micro texturing for optimize performance, in comparison against existing non textured seals, and to do that without increasing the production of the unit cost.
Based on successful results from a previous project (SOFTSLIDE) for development of low-friction textured seals, MouldTex team focused on development for optimizing friction levels of molded rubber seals. Using our advanced analysis and simulations tools it is now feasible to accurately define the optimized laser engraving patterns of molding tools, thus optimizing the friction of the molded seals.
MouldTex Technology allow to decrease or increase the friction level of a given rubber part, regardless of its geometry, by implementing a patent registered surface activation technology. The solution is defined by multiple texturing options implemented on the contact surface. in fact, multi options of 3D micro rubber structures are characterized by a unique combination of multi diameter, depth, distance, and roughness (MDDDR). To Pre-define the optimized texturing patterns, the project developed a novel software tool the ‘MouldTex Optimizer”, a support software package, allowing the designer to visualize, simulate and define the optimized texturing patterns according to customized specification and application requirements. 3D-micro laser engraving, and plasma treatments allow us to produce multi engraved options of tool cavities which precisely emboss these unique textures and surface finish patterns directly on the molded rubber parts.
MouldTex technology perfectly fits with all molding methods including compression molding, transfer compression and injection molding and can be implemented on all types of rubber and silicone compounds. Today as a part of the consortium SKM offers reliable and workable solutions for optimization of friction according to applications, service conditions and specifications. Our group provides a comprehensive tailor-made solution, we implement advanced tribology simulations and mathematical prediction models, innovative 3Dmicro laser-engraving process, design and manufacturing of ultra-precision molding tools, precision measurement and verification abilities and moldings of high-performance rubber parts.
The outcomes of MouldTex technology are highly demanded by the medical industry and by the military and defense and the aviation industries for its outstanding functional advantages, and by the automotive industry for its acoustic reduction and its esthetic and super elegant look-and-feel.
MouldTex technology is accurate, safe, and environmentally friendly and it completely eliminates the need to surface finish each individual part after molding.
MouldTex technology does not require changes to the rubber compounds and does not increase the unit cost. The one-time extra investment is associated with the required design and simulations and with the 3D laser engraving of the molding tools.
- For further details please send your inquiry to reference: MouldTex Technology

Engraved Inset of a Rotary Seal

Rotary Shaft with Textured Dynamic Seal

CO-VERSATILE project was initiated by the European Commission as a response to COVID19 threats. The project is aimed at increasing the adaptation capacity, resilience, and flexibility of European manufacturers, focusing on vital medical supplies and equipment, to support Europe improving the response time and preparedness to deal with pandemics.
CO-VERSATILE project was approved by the European Commission under “Research and Innovation” Program (RIA). The group incorporated as a consortium of twenty-one partners, consisting of several leading European universities and research centers and several large European corporates and SMEs providing the markets and industry’s points of view and all the required manufacturing and execution capabilities.
Since CO-VERSATILE is a large multidisciplinary project with several independent sub-activities the development was divided to several Work Packages (WP’s) driven by Manufacturing Settings (MS).
SKM Aeronautics is involved mainly at WP2-MS123 and is responsible for the development and production of a multi-use silicone face mask, a personal protection equipment (PPE) as preventive measure against the spread of coronavirus.
CO-VERSATILE project is based on a range of research and innovation industry-driven initiatives to deliver demonstrators of a flexible 48-hour industrial response capability at scale, to cope with sudden spikes in demands of strategic products, for re-qualification or release of Manufacturing Settings.
CO-VERSATILE project will adapt and re-purpose a set of existing technologies and services to increase the capability of European Manufacturers to produce vital medical equipment and to transfer them for replication at Pan-European level.
SKM Aeronautics, together with its core MS123 partners, developed a one-piece multi-use silicone face mask with an option for a disposable filter. The mask will be available in two different dimensions to fit wide range of faces and ages.
From user’s point of view the motivation was to create a fast deployed, low-cost, unisex soft face mask that can be used for prolonged duration, with option for daily wash in dishwashers or under running hot water, and without derogation of quality and functionality. The mask does not require any assembly and will be “face-ready” once unpacked. The silicone is transparent of high grade, FDA approved.
From manufacturing point of view the mask design consider fast duplication of tooling and will allow European silicone molders to fit the adjusted duplicated tool on multiple types of molding machines, using wide range of technologies including compression, transfer-compression, or injection molding.